After discussing critical ideas and concepts for a new Mission statement, Vision, and Core Values, the group turned their attention to strategic areas for consideration. Using a variety of consensus-based processes, the group selected 3 strategic areas for the next 3 years with 3 initial action steps for each area. This resulted in a very focused strategic plan that we will build on each year. As initial action steps are completed, we will move to second action steps, and so forth. In this way, as an organization, we will be continuously reviewing and updating the strategic plan so that we achieve our mission. Please see the full plan  here.


Strategic areas that are directly related to research are described below.  

Translating evidence into practice to ensure high value care with input from practitioners to inform future research

Action Steps

  • Implement “clinical point of view” within all JNPT articles
  • Through a national campaign, disseminate one critical, high impact area of evidence to clinicians and educators
  • Develop and deliver educational training materials on utilizing and implementing research evidence into didactic instruction and practice
  • Development of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and other evidence-based documents targeted toward clinically relevant questions
  • Knowledge translation activities to support the implementation of CPGs into practice
  • Knowledge translation training and grants to support specific knowledge translation projects
  • Growth of the Synapse Education Center through development of online educational opportunities that disseminate research findings and support clinical needs
  • Ongoing commitment to face-to-face educational offerings which meet clinician needs and grow academy leaders
  • First ever, International Vestibular conference bringing together interdisciplinary researchers, educators, and practitioners